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So Weekly | June 21, 2023

So invited: Isle of Paradise to our HQ

Dive into the paradise of PR! This in-house event at our So PR tearoom brought the vibrant world of Isle of Paradise to life, and some of our many services together, featuring the brilliant mind behind it all: Jules von Hep. From exclusive 1-on-1 meetings with press and talents to captivating storytelling and the latest Self-tan trends, made it a cozy yet immersive experience. Focusing on creating meaningful connections and allowing everyone to ask Jules their burning questions. The energy and warmth Jules radiated left a lasting impression on everyone, achieving our ultimate goal. As a parting gift, Jules shared his expert advice on which color - Peach, Green, or Violet - suits each person (and body!) best.

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NEW @So: JLab

Get Your Sound On! JLab started in 2005 with a simple idea: offering a...
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So PR - Public Relations and Communication Agency - Amsterdam