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So Weekly | April 22, 2024

New in @So: Annadiva 

Mariëlle van der Loo, the creative mind behind Annadiva, underwent years of frustration and insecurity before launching the now successful brand. Her self-discovery began when she finally found what she was looking for, enabling her to embrace her body with confidence - an experience she wants to share with every woman. Annadiva's online lingerie and swimwear store was founded in 2012 with a mission to offer luxury lingerie and swimwear for women with larger cup sizes, without forgetting about women with 'regular' cup sizes.

"Every woman deserves to feel beautiful, regardless of her cup size!"                      
Mariëlle chose to model for her Annadiva collection herself, alongside her colleagues, and explains: "Our motto is 'Shine with confidence.' You can only convey that message if you truly feel it. As a mother of two with a non-'model' body, my size and weight say nothing about my beauty. How I feel and what I choose to wear, I decide for myself." In 2021, Annadiva launched its first swimwear collection, developed by women, for women, the collections come in a wide range of sizes, from cup C to I, remaining true to the latest trends, fashion, colors, and prints.

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