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So PR General Terms & Conditions

Once you've agreed to a partner up with So PR for a collaboration, the following terms and conditions apply and must be adhered to:

Contract extension and termination – At the end of the agreed period of a minimum of 12 months, the contract will be not extended tacitly.
So PR must be notified of termination of the contract, which is only possible after this 12-month period, a minimum of 1 months in advance, in writing.

Fee, expenses and cost recovery – Additional costs other than the standard costs defined in the contract (such as postal charges) will not be incurred before prior consultation with the contracted party. So PR reserves the right to, for example, either have large sums for events invoiced directly to the contracted party or pay such amounts on behalf of the client. In the event of major expenses, So PR is entitled to charge the client for part of or the full amount in advance. Extra services, extra hours and specific purchases will be included in the monthly invoice, in consultation with the client.
The contractually agreed monthly fee is payable within 14 days. Quarterly, six-monthly and annual payments are also possible, if required. So PR reserves the right to suspend the activities for the client partially or entirely in the event of overdue payment until such payment is made.

Insurance - So PR cannot be held liable for damage, loss or theft of goods and samples entrusted by the client to So PR or loaned by So PR to third parties for the benefit of the client on the client's instructions. Client must himself insure all goods supplied to So PR for loaning or presentation purposes.

Transport – Transport of client's collections to and from So PR is at the client's expense and So PR is therefore entitled to charge the client for such transport at all times.

Confidentiality – All information supplied by client to So PR will be treated as confidential and not to be divulged to third parties without express approval of client.

Intellectual property & copyright - So PR is fully aware that client may use texts formulated by So PR on the client's instructions in any way they wish. Client must, however, request So PR's express, written permission for use by third parties or re-use after the lapse of the contract period.
In the event of misuse of creative concepts after termination of the contract, So PR reserves the right to claim appropriate damages.

© So PR B.V. 2005-2024
So PR - Public Relations and Communication Agency - Amsterdam